Friday, 30 December 2011

Na grecia...

a aproveitar em grande o ano novo!



Friday, 16 December 2011

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Eu amo o Natal...

nao, nao é pelas prendas, nem pela comida (se bem que a comida...), é porque no Natal vou para casa...vou de volta a PORTUGAL, ou como os tugas emigrados aqui carinhosamente chamam, Tugolandia!

Feliz Natal e um 2012 fantastico é tudo o que vos desejo!

Por favor, sejam muito felizes!!

Merry Xmas and a Happy NEW YEAR! 

Friday, 9 December 2011

adoro o meu sobrinho...

com a curiosidade que só as crianças têm...
ele: "tia tens um bébé dentro da barriga?"
eu: "hum, acho que não ..."
ele:" porquê tia? olha se tiveres pode ser uma menina??"

e é isto que adoro nele, lá do alto dos seus 4 anos e meio ;)
(espero bem que o comentario nao seja baseado no tamanho da barriga lololol)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

para reflectir...

esta coisa dos blogs tem que se lhe diga... não sei muito bem porquê mas quando aqui me sento para escrever nunca sei sobre que assunto me hei-de debruçar. Tenho tantas coisas para contar mas nunca as consigo pôr cá fora...escarrapachadas na blogosfera!
Muitos de vocês sabem que a minha vida é cheia de tubos de ensaio, geis e eppendorfs, alguns de voces sabem que a minha vida se resume ao desenvolvimentos de vaccinas, sabem que sou cientista... O que nenhum de voces sabe é que em prol desta vida, em prol da curiosidade que rege a minha vida (sim porque nenhum de nós esta nisto pelo dinheiro) tenho que viver longe do homem que amo, do homem que me faz feliz e com o qual vou casar...

Ultimamente tenho pensado muito que nao sei se vale a pena, nao sei se a ciencia ainda me satisfaz...O que sei que me faz feliz é sem duvida nenhuma dormir e acordar com o homem que amo, é sorrir com as patetices que faz, é olhar nos olhos dele...isso sim VALE MUITO A PENA!

 este post hoje foi muito lamechas..mas as vezes é preciso..

Friday, 2 December 2011

Saturday, 19 November 2011


Been back for a while...Krakow was amazing, however I don't have the pics with me to post as least not yet, as soon as I have them I will put them up!

Got to say, I loved Krakow!!It is an amazing city, vibrant, cultural, super's exactly how I like it...

My advice to all of you, TRAVEL as much as you can...nothing makes us grow more than to be exposed to other cultures!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

ah, just one more thing..

I am off to Krakow!!! See u soon!!! :)

This blog was meant to become the "Meca" of weddings, instead I nearly gave up on it...I don't feel like writting at all, I don't want to write about weddings, in fact lately Idon't want to write at all...
Many times I thought on giving up, it's not like the blog is mega successful, it's not like I have one million followers, but for some reason, I can't give up!!

The problem with this blog is that  it was created from me to me...not to others,the others, they are just a nice bonus, and for that reason, I can't write about fashion, or any theme...I don't have the capacity of turning it on any themed blog, the only thing I can do is to write about random things!!

So, for the very few that come to my blog and read, thank you for putting up with me and my bad writting!! And I will try to keep a more updated registry!! :)


Sunday, 30 October 2011

I love the time change...

I woke up at 10am but surprise surprise it's only 9am! 
One extra hour of laziness...Love it! 

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

where's the cold?

Global warming is happening, to all the people that still don't believe it here it is, the prediction for this week (pretty much the last one of October)!
Where is the cold? It's like I'm in Portugal all over again...

PS- I am sure I will regret this post when the temperature is everyday under 0C!lololol

Friday, 14 October 2011

I declare the search for the perfect wedding dress open!!!

I don't know about you, but I am a very simple girl, that thinks that spending thousands of pounds in a dress that you will only wear once is, in the very least, crazy.... but that is just me, and having said that I have nothing against the girls that think otherwise.
And so, with this thought in mind I have started my search for the perfect wedding dress, however the only thing I find is the very NOT PERFECT wedding dress...
They are all covered in lace, they have loads and loads of layers, they have skirts made up of flowers...really, really not my style, besides I will be getting married in Greece and it will be 40C (being summer and all) and so I really don't know!
The ones I like are maybe to simple...
anyway the 2 dresses in the post below are just a sample of the kind of things I have been finding...
Please do let me know what do you think!!

Many thanks!

Some can be pretty, some can be...different!!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

the thing is it can look like this...

Preparing a wedding is not just getting the papers, the rings, the wedding dress and the suit for the na ninanao!!

It is such hard are meant to start 18 months in advance, which means I am already late (8 months late to be exact)...and then you need to:
1) decide the date 
2) decide who to invite
3) book the church
4) find the venue
5) book the venue
6) get wedding dress
7) buy rings
8) send the save the date
9) send the invitations
10) decide on the theme for the venue...

and the list goes on and on...OMG, it such hard work!! honestly!

and then, let me tell you the wedding dresses are difficult...there are really nice ones, but there are others that are HORRIBLE...

Hard hard work...All of the sudden Vegas doesn't look so bad anymore!! lolololol

Friday, 7 October 2011

'i have decided...

this will be a blog dedicated to preparing weddings ... at least for the next 9 months...

Thursday, 29 September 2011


mas ando sem paciencia e sem inspiracao para escrever no blog...
Fica aqui a nota que vou para mais um fds romantico com o meu noivo (notem a diferenca)!!

Pois, havia isso para contar...vamos casar!!


Thursday, 22 September 2011

The portuguese girls gathering...

Is about to begin!! 

And just like that 3 friends from home (Portugal) will gather in the English Midlands! For a weekend of fun,fun and more fun!! :)

I won't be writing much cause I will be busy enjoying their company!!

PS-where we are going there is no sea...(it ain't Portugal after all!!)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

it's wednesday...

but somehow feels exactly like Monday!! :(

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

I had forgotten...

how much I enjoy seeing the auditions of the X-factor! Hell there are people that really can't sing and have no idea of it!! lolol

Friday, 16 September 2011

Remember how happy we were there??

I want to go again...with YOU!

Thursday, 15 September 2011


I have been trying to get into an exercise routine for a while now, however it has been really hard! But today I arrived home and decided to jump rope for 10 min and do my abdominals...It was a lot harder than I imagined...but I will try to stick to it..I really need to lose weight and I am stuck...and i also want to be healthier, to feel more active, London takes the life out of me!!
so once more I make the compromise of trying to stick to this routine!! we'll see, I haven't exactly been very good at keeping any of this! lololol

ainda acerca de odios de estimacao...

Se ha pessoas que me enervam sao aquelas que andam sempre a lamber o cu do patrao ( sera que se pode escrever cu na blogosfera??), enfim adiante... e aqui no meu trabalho, irra que sao mais do que as maes...

Mas sera que elas/eles acham que os outros sao cegos e estupidos??  ou acham que somos todos distraidos??
1) aquele que acha que o patrao tem sempre razao, mesmo quando claramente nao tem...
2)aquela que acha que se se abanar e pestanejar o suficiente o patrao diz q sim a tudo
3) temos aquele que acha que e melhor que todos e que se estiver constantemente a dizer que e bom, nos e o patrao iremos acreditar...
4) e depois temos os outros...



And that is always a good thing!!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Dêem-me só aí 5 min que...

...vou ali escrever um artigo cientifico e já volto...merda de chefes e deadlines...

Monday, 12 September 2011

o blogger é mentiroso...ah pois é!

aqui o amigo blogger é um mentiroso...diz que se colocar penguin love ou new star sign no google que chegam ao meu blog...E mentira!! pois é!

ainda agora tentei e népias...lololol

Sunday, 11 September 2011

10 years ago...

The world changed, never to be the same again...

Friday, 9 September 2011

Have a great weekend everybody!

Of the things I love the most I can honestly tell you that my favourite one may be fridays...and no, it's not because the week finishes, it's because my boyfriend flies over to see me...
And in a second the loneliness transforms itself, and I don't feel it anymore!
I feel my heart full of love and companionship...and it feels good! No matter what anybody says or have said, "a man is not an island" and therefore it sucks to be alone and nobody gets used to it!
I have been doing this for a long time and it does not get easier with time, in fact if anything, it get's harder!!

But today it is Friday and I don't have to be alone least not for the weekend!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

have a nice wednesday everyone...

big thoughts...

lately I haven't been on my best self...I haven't been on my best mood!  I feel deflated, I feel like something is missing...and nothing is, but at the same time everything is...
I have a wonderful boyfriend but he is far away...I have a good job, but in order to keep it I have to be away from my boyfriend!
And I should be used to this by now, since our relationship has always been like this, together a bit apart (due to jobs) a lot...
My question is: Can a person really get used to be lonely all the time?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Trovante - Saudade Festa Avante 3 Set 2011.MOV

This is the song where my friend wrote to me! Live from Festa do Avante! Pardon the quality!

last night...

Last night I was already in bed and almost asleep when my phone rang...usually that means bad news, but not last the distant Portugal my favourite cultural festival is happening (Festa do Avante), something that is so much more than a political  festival...

but let me get back to last night, my phone rang, it was my best friend, the friend I know since I was 10...the friend that took me to Festa do Avante for the first time, the firend that no matter what is always there to hold my hand...

the phone rang as I was saying, it was a text message and it said: "tears are rolling down my eyes because you are not here with me to see Trovante...Love you!!"
This is a band that decide to reunite specially for the Festival...a really good one!

To what I answered: I wish I was there with you, have fun for me and you.I love you too!

I could sit here and tell you all the 100000000 stories we  have together, it has been 20 years of friendship, and we were always there for eachother...but I guess that would be too much to share!!

I know she comes to this blog once and a while to read it, so if you see this, I hope you know I wouldn't be the same person I am today if I have not met you in the distant year of 1991!

and that is it! :)

Ps- Real friendship is priceless! :)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

don't get desperate just yet...


just came back from the dentist and has now remembered why she doesn't like it at all...she had 2 fillings and one cleaning all done in one go..She now also have a wonky smile  because of the anaesthetic! :(  Another 2 hours to go until she returns to normal...



today is dentist day... and I absolutely hate it!
ai ai ai!
How stupid is this? Grown woman, capable of so many things and when it comes to the dentist it really freaks me out... oh well!!

just one more quick thing...

After all we can actually buy  HOPE in a jar!

lolololol Very good!

(press on the word hope and see for yourselves!)

not wanting to fuel any major or minor discussion...

but, when was it that we became these futil minds and started worrying about beauty and fashion so much?

don't get me wrong I have nothing against fashion or beauty, I myself try to keep up, but I don't get it?! Is the world such an ugly or boring place that we have to keep our minds busy with these "not so important" issues??

What is this obcession with being beautiful, being hydrated and in fashion??

(maybe it's just late and I am just tired but after doing my own creams post I couldn't help at wonder...)

Friday, 2 September 2011

the beauty...

Everybody always write on their blogs about all these creams they use for body and for face and for feet...
Being a scientist and wanting to live up to the stereotype I thought I tell you about my creams...( I have to add I am quite blessed, never had a spot or black head, I suppose that is why I don't take care)!

So here it goes:
1) Face - johnsons normal skin moisturiser
    1a) the simple line for a face mask (every other week) and the face scrub
    1b) For the eyes the Simple revitalising

2) Body- Nivea Goodbye celulitis and Shea body butter (The body shop)

And that is it...
( I have to say that I am quite lazy and a lot of times I don't take the care i should...)

And there you have it...this is taking care of your skin from the eyes of a skeptical mind!

walk yourself to health

...and the exercise continues, yes 2 miles #(3.2km) in 25 min...I am trying to put the time down to 20 mins but it may take a while, after all I am walking not running! I feel great!
I was missing exercise a lot more than I realised! :)

The idea is to try and lose 2lbs every week until all 14 that I gained are gone, and then make the miracle of maintain the weight! So far 2 are gone! I will keep you posted!

we'll see! 
PS- (since nothing hurts I guess I have to push harder)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Yes it's TRUE!! Miracles DO HAPPEN!! As I mentioned here so many times I am a perpetual dieter! Yeah, and the funny thing is that usually no matter how much I diet I never lose any weight! Whether I eat bread or not makes no difference what so ever! So after careful consideration, and after checking that there is nothing wrong with  me (hormone wise) I decided that the cause of all the weight gain of the last couple of years and the inability to lose the extra pounds was  my pill! And there you have it, I have stopped and I have now starting to lose the accumulated weight!
yes, just like that, a couple of days after coming off it I have lost 2lbs already! I don't think about food all the time and I actually feel full for longer!
After reading many many forum pages I realised I wasn't the only one! With cerazette, the pounds grow on you...1 by 1, almost as if you can't tell...and by the time you realise it you have 1 extra stone! (6.3 kg)

So for now and for a while I will continue my 6 km walks and I will be doing my 50 abdominals and I will keep on being careful with what I eat, and hopefully I will write here in a couple of months that I have lost all the extra weight!

SO as I have been putting here all the time,

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Sunday, 28 August 2011

ai ai London...

it's bank holiday weekend...the last one until Xmas! and, I woke up and despite being in London ( a city that has all kinds of entertainment) i can't bring myself to think of something nice, something effortless...

What's going on with me????

Friday, 26 August 2011

It's Fridayyyyyy! :)

Because the fun is about to begin...

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Hoje completo 30 anos...

e mais nao digo que nao estou la muito contente de deixar os "intes" e entrar nos "intas"...lolololol

Ai ai os cabelos brancos! :)

Saturday, 20 August 2011



(Kind of scared but passed it!)

Friday, 19 August 2011

Thursday, 18 August 2011


London 18th of August, 7.10pm, temperature 13C!!

Why, why????

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

today I walked 2 miles...

yup it is true, I decided to walk 2 miles and just get into the tube in the part where it is above ground. It took me 25 min to walk 2 miles (3.2km), so my idea now is to walk 3.2 km each way...
On the way to work and then on the way home...I hope it will help me tone up a bit! I will also do 50 abdominals every morning and will try to jump rope 10 min per day.
i hope to lose some fat...don't know about weight, but want to lose fat...

fingers crossed!

no inspiration...

I have no muse and therefore lately no inspiration...

I was busy, first in Portugal (enjoying the sun), then in Northern Ireland (enjoying my man)!


Friday, 12 August 2011

i am getting ready for...

Another great day in Great Britain!

PS-I will write updates of my vacations when back from my weekend!

Monday, 8 August 2011

what is happening in London???

Did everybody gone mad??

Friday, 22 July 2011

as promised...

but the tales of such an amazing day will stay for another time...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Graduation! :)

And tomorrow is Graduation! :) I am now a PhD! :)

Anyway, I will write soon and will post some pics!

Amanha é a minha graduacao! :) Em Portugal sou Professora Doutora! lolololol

Quando voltar de lá, escrevo um post a contar como foi e ponho aqui algumas pics! :)

Estou feliz! 7 meses depois vejo a minha familia, e essa é sem dúvida nenhuma a melhor parte!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Emigration views!

The worse part about being an emigrant from ALGARVE, is that everyday one misses the sun and the sea...
When you live in London where most likely 300 days of the year are greyish one starts longing for the sun, for the good weather, for brightness!

When I first arrived in the UK it didn't bother me as much as it does now! What the hell is this?? 12th of july and outside is grey, and the temperature is 20C?? What???

Honestly, no wonder they all suffer from SAD and they all feel an unstoppable will of partying when they go to ALgarve!! I find myself feeling the same things...

Feel this grumpiness in me all the time and feel like I am here against my will! I wonder if it is only because I really want vacations, or if my tolerance for crappy weather and crappy foood has reached its limit??

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Fisherman's Blues The Waterboys

Have a great weekend! I love this song reminds me of Ireland and the amazing time I spend there with my man!
I absolutely LOVE THIS SONG!!

Ida ao dentista...

hoje fui ao dentista depois de mais de uma década (tudo porque sou uma acagaçada)! Veredicto do dentista 2 dentes a precisar de arranjo e uma limpeza!

Pensei para comigo " o estrago nem é muito grande" !

E, tenho mesmo que escrever isto no blog, porque acho que os dentista em Portugal se andam a alambazar como se não houvesse amanhã, o custo de uma limpeza e arranjo de dois dentes é 87libras! Nada certo?

Eu diria que a grande diferença é que aqui os dentistas são comparticipados mas mesmo assim...há dez anos atrás quando fui fazer o primeiro arranjo da minha vida ja me custou 60 euros! e foi só um dente, não foi limpeza e dois dentes!
Não vejo razão para não termos dentistas comparticipados em Portugal, ou aliás vejo uma razão, os DENTISTAS NÂO QUEREM!
Porque querem cobrar couro e cabelo pelas consultas para poderem andar montados nos ultimo modelo da Porshe e ter casas maiores que a do primerio ministro ( devo adiantar que isto é especulação, não faço a mais pálida ideia de quão grande é a casa do novo primeiro)!
Enfim, achei que os meus leitores portugueses deviam saber que de cada vez que vão ao dentista em Portugal estão literalmente a ser assaltados, só falta a pistola!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Diet considerations...

the hardest thing in the world has to be dieting...Oh my God, specially if you never (and I really mean never) lose weight!
I never do! No matter what I do! 3 weeks of no bread, no pasta, no hardly anything, a lot of fish and chicken, vegetables and salads and I am still, and please pay attention to this, 10 stones!

How, honestly, HOW is this possible??? I have to have a problem!

And also, why is all the weight staying in my legs and bum? my belly is smaller, my arms are smaller ( i think) but my bum and legs are exactly the same... :(

So annoying! plus, my big beach holiday is arriving and I don't feel ready for it...all the dresses and bikinis and my body didn't improve! and let me tell you, I am only 1.59m I should have something like 57Kg (9 stones) and I am 10, which means extra 6.3kg! :(
The battle against fat has started and I will not give up! (plus do you guys think it may be my pill??)

a coisa mais difícil do mundo tem que ser fazer dieta ... Oh meu Deus, especialmente se tu, como eu, nunca (e eu realmente quero dizer nunca) perdes peso!
Eu nunca perco! Não importa o que faça! 3 semanas sem pão, nem massa, sem praticamente nada, uma data de frango, peixe, legumes e saladas e ainda estou, e prestem atenção a isto, com as mesmas 10 stones!

Como, a serio, COMO é possível?? Eu tenho que ter um problema!

E também, por que raio é que o peso (banha) me vai todo para as pernas e rabiosque?? A barriga encolheu, os braços estao menores ( acho eu!!) mas o rabiosque e as pernas estão exatamente na mesma ... : (

Tão irritante! mais, as minhas férias de praia estao a chegar e não me sinto nada pronta para isso ... Tantos vestidos e biquínis e o meu corpo não MELHOROU NADINHA! e deixem que vos diga, eu tenho apenas 1.59m e deveria ter algo como 57 kg (9 stones) e eu tenho 10, o que significa 6,3 kg extra! : (

A batalha contra a gordura já começou e eu não vou desistir! (mais, será que isto é da minha pílula?)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

sorry for the absence...

but a ear infection, a throat infection and a massive cold were enough to put me in bed and with no will to write!

but I am back now! (still only at 50%, but back!)

mas uma infecção no ouvido, uma infecção na garganta e uma constipacao enorme foram o suficiente para me colocar na cama e sem vontade de escrever!

mas estou de volta agora! (ainda apenas a 50%, mas de volta!)

Sunday, 3 July 2011

being ill in the summer...

it's the worse thing... I am still ill, sore throat and loads and loads of ai! and today is nice and warm, sunny...i want to go outside, but the the tiredness, and sneezingness and all that doesn't allow...I will just be lazy today, if only I could go to the beach.... :(

É a pior coisa que pode acontecer...Pois ainda estou doentinha, dor de garganta e tantos mas tantos ai! E logo hoje o tempo está tão bom, está quentinho e solarengo..queria tanto ir lá fora, mas o cansaço e as sessões de espirros nao deixam... Vou ser preguiçosa hoje, se ao menos pudesse ir à praia... :(

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Today I shouldn't have left the house!
Not a single thing went well! aiiiiii! hate days like this!

"Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this my mama said..."


Today I woke up feeling like crap! Have a sore throat and a mild fever...feeling actually very ill!

And I had to come to work...yeah I had to! couldn't stay home and just be ill, no I had to come because I had bugs, sometimes I really don't like science!! 2 strepsills and 1 ibuprofen later here I am at my desk!

Let's hope I feel better cause I have a really busy day!

Hoje acordei a sentir-me muito mal! Estou com dor de garganta e febre baixa ... sentindo-me mesmo mal!

E ainda assim tive que vir trabalhar ... claro!! não podia ficar em casa e apenas estar doente, não, tinha que vir porque tenho bacterias a crescer ... possas, às vezes não gosto nada de ciência! 2 strepsills e 1 ibuprofeno depois aqui estou eu na minha secretaria!

Vamos torcer para que eu me sinta melhor porque tenho um dia daqueles!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


I am finally happy with the look of the blog! :)

Estou finalmente satisfeita com o look do blog! :)


Porra merda xiça que não sei o que dizer!!

One more follower!

Yup I have one more follower, they are not many but they are definitely GOOD ONES! Thanks Sofia! :)

Sim, o meu singelo blog tem mais um seguidor! Nao sao muitos mas sao muito BONS! Obrigada Sofia! :)

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

coisas parvas...

diz quem gosta de ler que lê um livro em três dias... eu cá já li livros numa noite, sem pregar olho...e li outros que me levaram semanas...

Leio muito, mas principalmente leio muito quando viajo, seja para longe ou para o trabalho, seja num avião, no metro ou no comboio...não sei viajar sem ler...e então pus-me a pensar...então e quem não gosta de ler? Que fazem para passar o tempo no avião, no metro ou no comboio? ou será que só não viajam??

eu sei que a pergunta parece absurda mas tenho curiosidade...

PS- revistas também estao incluidas na seccao leitura!

there are people that can read a book in three days ... I've read books in one night without a wink ... and read others that took me weeks ...

I read a lot, but mostly I read a lot when I travel either on my way to work or when I fly somewhere, whether I'm in a plane, train or in the underground ... I can not travel without reading ... and then I began to think ... how about those who don't like to read? What do they do to pass the time in the plane, the subway or train? or do they just not travel?

I know the question seems absurd but I'm curious ...

PS- reading includes magazines as well...

ainda à cerca do tempo...

A Inglaterra, ou como diz o meu sobrinho a Inguatera, tem um dos climas mais marados que já experienciei, devo dizer que de segunda para terça fomos de 33ºC para 23ºC e de super sol para chuva com hipoteses de "flash flooding" e trovoadas que até deram direito a fechos de aeroportos!!

Devo dizer que geeky como sou o clima é algo que me fascina, mas bolas quem nao queria estar na pele dos meteorologistas aqui neste pais sei eu bem quem é!

E só para final de conversa no Brasil está a nevar...e depois digam lá que não temos que reduzir a pegada de carbono e diminuir a emissão dos gases de cá acho que já vamos tarde...oh se vamos!
Oh shor Obama, está a reduzir essa coisada que planeta só temos 1 e a este ritmo não tarda nada temos NENHUM!

Muito obrigado!

Saturday, 25 June 2011


They promised me 25 C and I wake up to 15??? What is it, the sun is shy??

Ai, this is what I most hate in London...the weather!

They say tomorrow we will have 29C...Doubtful, very doubtful!!

Friday, 24 June 2011

the best thing of being emigrant...

When you receive visits from home....

It's the best feeling!

It's fridayyyyyyyyy!

It is finally friday, and I can just sit and wait for him...
It will be a great weekend!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

some days...

should just not exist...One day a person wakes up and everything changes! That was what happened today morning to a person I really like and I am so sorry...

I wish that we could go back 24hrs in time, where is father would still be here and my friend wouldn't be so sad...

I wish I didn't have to hear his sad voice on the phone....

I wish that some days could just be erased and then we would just go from yesterday to tomorrow...

Some days....

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

será que sou sou eu?? i wonder if it is just me??

Mas custa-me tanto lavar loiça...

but I really don't like to wash dishes...

We found it and it felt so good!!

Me and my amazing boyfriend on saturday decided to go and try a Lisboa patisserie (57 Golborne Road, London) in the heart of trendy London! yes, we did find a place where you can find all portuguese cakes (pastel de nata, guardanapos, broa de mel, everything you can think of), juices Compal :) and the good coffee Sical! :)

Can't describe how happy I was feeling...but the best was yet to come... While eating a pastel de nata and drinking a "bica" I look and in front what do I find??? A proper portuguese mini market! with everything!

So as a good imigrant, i brought home, beers both super bock and sagres, ham (presunto), butter Mimosa, cod fish (bacalhau), Compal juices, mini toasts, marmelade, rissois de camarao, and so many other things, next weekend I will be going again, with bigger bags!
It made my day!

I got to tell you, when I was there, I didn't use to care about OUR things that much, but after being here for 5 years seeing our products felt like Xmas!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

das coisas que mais me custam...

Chegar ao domingo e ve-lo partir para mais uma semana lá tao longe...e eu que o queria aqui, comigo sempre....


Saturday, 18 June 2011

It's weeeeeeekeeeeeend!

Today I feel like this!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, 17 June 2011

If I didn't know I was not pregnant...

i would almost say I was...damn this nausea!!

Mas quem é que diz que...

só porque sou cientista estou rodeada de gente inteligente, hein??? Irra que há por aqui alguns que sao mais estupidos que eu sei lá.....

Thursday, 16 June 2011

ainda á cerca da minha falta de estilo, e da falta de jeito para escolher vernizes ah e do mau tempo...

Então não é que a boa da "pariga" passou duas afternoons a escolher vestidos e "bikines" e agora o tempo está uma valente m****??

Uma pessoa leva tempos infinitos a escolher roupinhas que ajudam a disfarcar as banhitas daqui e dali e depois nao pode usar nadinha???? Tá mal...ah pois esta!!

Para juntar à festa, comprei um verniz cor de rosa da London Rimmel, pus nas unhitas dos presuntos e não gosto...Fiquei triste, ah pois fiquei!! Raio do verniz parece que é fluorescente (e não fosforecentes)

Uma pessoa bem não quer depressão mas assim está mal...
ora vamos lá a ver:
1) gordita ( depois de muito esforço ainda com 10 stones)
2) Branca como a cal da parede (assim tipo branco mais branco nao há!!)
3) e com unhas dos pes rosa fluorescente!!

vai ser bonito vai...

The amazing English summer!

Don't you just love the english summer?

Essential items:
1) umbrella
2) jacket
3) scarf!

Honestly I really don't understand what is there not to love!! That I have my wardrobe full of little summer dresses that I will never use? Or that I haven't seen the sun in more than a week (well it did show up a bit yesterday)???

Ai ai the wonders!!

Digam la que nao amam o
verão Inglês?

Itens essenciais:
1) Um guarda-chuva
2) C
3) le

Honestamente, eu realmente não entendo o que nao amar! Sera que é o facto de que tenho o armário cheio de vestidos de verão que nunca vou usar? Ou que não vejo o sol há mais de uma semana (bem,apareceu ontem muito brevemente)??

Ai ai as maravilhas!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


I have been debating with myself what to make this blog is not a fashion blog because, and lets be real I am not fashionable, I rarely put make up and truth to be told and don't really follow fashion trends (remember I spent half of my life studying to be a scientist, at least I don't wear the sandals and socks outfit, well not anymore :) ), it is not a cooking blog because I spend half of my life dieting (and even that usually lasts only 3 weeks tops) I come to realise there are 2 things I know how to talk about! Thing number 1: SCIENCE (but I suppose that is slightly to complicated and boring for the general public) and thing nr 2: TRAVELING! The problem I see on making this a blog about traveling is that I don't do it enough, however I have been in 12 countries in the European union and I suppose I could write little tips of how to enjoy more for less money, not exactly budget travel, but travel with not to much money!

I can give advice on countries such as:
Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, England, Northern Ireland, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Next trip will be outside EU. Just not sure where yet! :)

Tenho vindo a debater-me sobre em que transformar este blog ... não é um blog de ​​moda, pois, e sejamos realistas, eu não estou na moda, eu raramente uso maquilhagem e verdade seja dita eu não sigo as tendências da moda (lembrem-se que passei metade da minha vida estudando para ser um cientista, pelo menos não uso o look sandálias e meias, quer dizer Já nao uso :)), não é um blog de culinária, porque eu passo metade da minha dieta a vida (o que dura geralmente apenas três semanas, no maximo!) ... então apercebi-me que há duas coisas das quais eu sei falar e tenho bastante para dizer! Coisa número 1: CIÊNCIA (mas suponho que seja um pouco complicada e chata para o público geral) e Coisa numero 2: viajar!
O problema que
vejo em fazer deste um blog sobre a viagemns é que eu não viajo o suficiente, porém ja estive em 12 países da União Europeia e suponho que eu poderia escrever pequenas dicas de como aproveitar mais por menos dinheiro, não exatamente viagens budjet, mas viajar com não muito dinheiro!

Eu posso dar conselhos sobre países tais como:
Portugal, Espanha, França, Bélgica, Grécia, Islândia, Letónia, Estónia, Inglaterra, Irlanda do Norte, Eslovénia e Suíça.

Próxima viagem será fora da UE. Só não sei onde! :)

Friday, 10 June 2011

Fim de semana...

Nao, aqui nao é fim de semana prolongado, nao aqui nao é dia de Camoes, os dias aqui nao querem saber dos dias ai, dos feriados, das festas! os dias aqui sao frios e cinzentos, os dias aqui as vezes sao muito tristes!

Nao, aqui nao há Festas dos Santos Populares, aqui ninguem quer saber que para a semana é dia de Santo António e que se comem sardinhas no pao e se bebe cerveja!
Nao, aqui as pessoas nao fazem nada disso! Aqui as pessoas nao saiem a rua e sorriem a um desconhecido, nao, aqui se sorrires para o desconhecido és maluco!

Sinto tanta falta de me sentir em casa, de saber sempre do que estao a falar, de acordar cedinho e ir para a praia, de fazer pouco dos camones enquanto eles se transformam em camarao frito, dos gelados, do SOL!

Ai Portugal, sinto-te a falta! Que saudades!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Muitos Parabens Dona Chá Verde!

today this post will be in Portuguese because it's more or less personal! (sorry)

Menina Chá Verde, Muitos Parabéns! Mesmo sem te conhecer fiquei tao feliz que numa das muitas conversas com o meu namorado mencionei, como se de uma amiga se tratasse!
A blogosfera tem destas coisas!

Desejo que tudo corra bem e vai escrevendo que eu vou lendo!


Ps- Será que é algo que poem na água? é que ultimamente nem sei bem quantas amigas me disseram "Estou grávida" :) ADORO!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

This is my bikini!

If only I looked as good on it as the bloody bikini deserves! lolololol
i know! I promised I would come here and write all about how much weight I lost and how is the Yoga working, but the only thing I can truly say is that after all this time trying to lose weight and exercising I am literally the same weight I was on the day I said I was dieting for 3 days...I am 10st!

And friends, I am not exactly tall so this is quite a bit, in Kg this is 63.9 kg!
OMG, I was 57 kg when I first moved to the this is a total of extra 7 kg! SEVEN!?????? AIiiiiiiiiiii!

Depression ai depression... started the other day, when I went on to buy a bikini...OMG, I would wear a bathing suit if I was still living in PT and I would have all the time in the world to get a tan! but know that my summer vacations are shortened to 10 days a year??? I have to wear a bikini, so since saturday I am doing extra efforts which is in the neighborhood of starving myself...we'll see!
There is no way I will lose 5 kg until my vacations but I will be happy even with 2 or 3, as long as my legs get thinner!

It is very depressing to actively trying to lose weight and really not being able to!

TIll my next post!

Saturday, 7 May 2011



As you all know I am dieting and as I was reading I realised that loads of people that commented suggested Yoga as a good exercise to lose weight...So I decided to try... I found a youtube video with a 8 minutes yoga exercises (which you can repeat as many times as you want or can handle) which targets weight loss! I woke up today and repeated the whole thing twice. You wouldn't believe how fast my heart was beating and how hot my muscles felt!
I will continue trying as I felt that it actually did something!

I propose I do it for 1 week starting today and I will let you know of the results in one week time! Deal?

I am also dieting anyway so hopefully it will be a combined result!

I will keep in touch!

Friday, 6 May 2011

diet day 3

Day nr 3 of my diet! I started with 10 stones, 3 days ago!

And guess what I am still 10 stones!

3 days of
kellog's K with activia pooring yoghurt
1 glass of Natural orange juice

-salad and 1 boiled egg

tuna salad with no mayo, no olive oil and no patato

on top of that I snack on
1 cereal bar and 2 hrs later 1 fruit

I am taking stairs instead of lift and in the underground I actually climb the tube escalators instead of standing. After all these I haven't lost not even 100gr!! :(

plus nr 2: this is the longest I have ever been without eating bread ( about to lose composure :) )


Thursday, 5 May 2011

I'm back! Voltei...

Hey, I am back from my amazing vacations in the Baltics!
And it was wonderful! Tallinn is one of the prettiest places I have ever been! Plus to top it up the weather was absolutely gorgeous! Riga was also really nice, it is so charming...It is a different experience to go over there! The Russian influence is everywhere at least in Riga, maybe not as much in Tallinn!

I encourage everyone to go, you will not regret it! :)

But, and of course there is always a but I put on weight while being there and therefore I have arrived and I am on diet! Objective lose 6.3kg! which is basically what our british friends call 1 stone! so wish me luck! I have started an aerobics attack class and I am thinking on joining yoga (they say it effective I personally have my doubts...lolololol)!

ta ta!

Hey, estou de volta de minhas férias incríveis no Báltico!
E foi maravilhoso! Tallinn é um dos lugares mais bonitos em que eu já estive! E para ajudar a festa até o tempo estava absolutamente magnifico! Riga também foi muito bom, é tão encantador ... É uma experiência diferente ir ate ! A influência russa está em toda parte, pelo menos, em Riga, talvez não tanto em Tallinn!

Encorajo todos a ir, garanto que não se vao arrepender! :)

Mas, e é claro que há sempre um mas engordei um bocadito enquanto la estive, por conseguinte, cheguei e ja estou em dieta! Objetivo perder 6,3 kg! que é basicamente o que os nossos amigos britânicos chamam "1 stone"! Desejem-me sorte! Comecei uma aula de aeróbica ataque e estou a pensar em juntar-me ao yoga (dizem que e eficaz, pessoalmente, tenho as minhas dúvidas ... lolololol)!

ta ta!