Monday, 31 January 2011
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Maria rapaz :)
Eu sempre fui do tipo Maria rapaz...sempre! Quando era pequenina o meu pai ensinou-me a mudar pneus, e oleo do carro, filtros e afins...Joguei à bola, joguei basquetebol, fiz Kempo! Vestia fatos de treino todos os dias e andava de boné com a pala ao contrário...pois eu era assim, e talvez por isso nunca passei pelas fases em que se combina os sapatos com a mala ou com a fita do cabelo...Nunca aprendi a pintar-me e só pintava as unhas para ir a casamentos! Fazia a depilação e já era um pau...lololololol!
E talvez seja por isso tudo que com 29 anos como mulher sou um pouco insegura, nunca sei o que vestir, acho que a maquiagem está sempre estranha e sinto-me sempre como se estivesse na pele de outra pessoa!
É por isso que numa jornada de crescimento e de me sentir mais mulher e menos uma miuda hoje decidi pintar as unhas de bordeaux...mas devo confessar que apesar de ter feito um belo trabalho (estavam mesmo bem pintadinhas) me senti envergonhada! e nem sei bem porquê! É um pouco ridiculo mas é assim!
Mas não pensem lá que eu sou infeliz...não, eu sou bem feliz e adorei a minha infância!! E adorei todo o desporto que fiz! Mas agora que cresci, e em vez de jogar em equipa depois das aulas, vou ao ginásio, e vou ás compras e compro saias e vestidos e botas de salto também quero pintar as unhas e por make-up! lolololol
Quero ser uma mulher e não uma miuda!!!
(isto tudo para dizer que pintei as unhas...lolololol)
ah, já agora o verniz é da nails inc tate nail polish!
I've always been kind of a tommy boy! When I was little my father taught me to change tires, and car oil, filters and so forth ... I played football, played basketball, did Kempo! I wore tracksuits all day and used a baseball cap all the time ... because i was like this I never went through phases where a girl combines the shoes or bag with the ribbon hair ... I never learnt how to put make-up and only painted the nails to go to weddings! I was waxing and that was it ... lololololol!
And maybe that's why as a woman aged 29 I am a little insecure, I never know what to wear, I think the makeup is always strange and I always feel as if I am in the skin of another person!
That's why in this journey of growth and feel more womanly and less like a kid, today I decided to paint the nails in bordeaux ... but I must confess that despite having done a fine job (they were really nicely painted) I felt ashamed! and I do not know why! It's a bit ridiculous but it is so!
But do not think that I'm unhappy ... no, I'm very happy and loved my childhood! And I loved all the sports I did! But now that I grew up, and instead of playing as a team after school, I go to the gym, and I go shopping and buy skirts and dresses and high-heeled boots also want to paint my nails and make-up! lolololol
Want to be a woman and not a chick!
(all this to say that I painted my nails ... lolololol)
ah, by the way the varnish is from nails inc tate of nail polish!
E talvez seja por isso tudo que com 29 anos como mulher sou um pouco insegura, nunca sei o que vestir, acho que a maquiagem está sempre estranha e sinto-me sempre como se estivesse na pele de outra pessoa!
É por isso que numa jornada de crescimento e de me sentir mais mulher e menos uma miuda hoje decidi pintar as unhas de bordeaux...mas devo confessar que apesar de ter feito um belo trabalho (estavam mesmo bem pintadinhas) me senti envergonhada! e nem sei bem porquê! É um pouco ridiculo mas é assim!
Mas não pensem lá que eu sou infeliz...não, eu sou bem feliz e adorei a minha infância!! E adorei todo o desporto que fiz! Mas agora que cresci, e em vez de jogar em equipa depois das aulas, vou ao ginásio, e vou ás compras e compro saias e vestidos e botas de salto também quero pintar as unhas e por make-up! lolololol
Quero ser uma mulher e não uma miuda!!!
(isto tudo para dizer que pintei as unhas...lolololol)
ah, já agora o verniz é da nails inc tate nail polish!
I've always been kind of a tommy boy! When I was little my father taught me to change tires, and car oil, filters and so forth ... I played football, played basketball, did Kempo! I wore tracksuits all day and used a baseball cap all the time ... because i was like this I never went through phases where a girl combines the shoes or bag with the ribbon hair ... I never learnt how to put make-up and only painted the nails to go to weddings! I was waxing and that was it ... lololololol!
And maybe that's why as a woman aged 29 I am a little insecure, I never know what to wear, I think the makeup is always strange and I always feel as if I am in the skin of another person!
That's why in this journey of growth and feel more womanly and less like a kid, today I decided to paint the nails in bordeaux ... but I must confess that despite having done a fine job (they were really nicely painted) I felt ashamed! and I do not know why! It's a bit ridiculous but it is so!
But do not think that I'm unhappy ... no, I'm very happy and loved my childhood! And I loved all the sports I did! But now that I grew up, and instead of playing as a team after school, I go to the gym, and I go shopping and buy skirts and dresses and high-heeled boots also want to paint my nails and make-up! lolololol
Want to be a woman and not a chick!
(all this to say that I painted my nails ... lolololol)
ah, by the way the varnish is from nails inc tate of nail polish!
Walk London
in the interest of knowing London better, and of course to try and help my diet/exercise to lose weight (all of this to look good by the time summer arrives cause I will be going to Greece for vacations) I am participating in the walk london.
Because spies and cold war are a big interest of mine I will be walking Spies & Spycatchers' London!
Slight concern:
the description of the walk reads less than 5 miles, duration 2 hours??? how much less than 5 miles?? Cause 5 miles is around 8Km!!! and I don't think I can walk 5 miles in 2 hours!!
I will let you know!
no interesse de conhecer melhor Londres e, claro, na tentativa de ajudar a minha dieta / exercício para perder peso (tudo isso para chegar ao Verão jeitosa, porque eu vou de ferias para a Grécia) vou participar na iniciativa andar Londres.
Porque espiões e guerra fria são um grande interesse meu escolhi andar a " Spies & Spycatchers 'London"!
ligeira preocupação:
a descrição da caminhada lê menos de 5 milhas, duração 2 horas?? quanto menos de 5 milhas? Porque 5 milhas é mais ou menos 8 km! E eu acho que nao consigo andar 8 km em 2 horas...
Depois digo-vos!
Because spies and cold war are a big interest of mine I will be walking Spies & Spycatchers' London!
Slight concern:
the description of the walk reads less than 5 miles, duration 2 hours??? how much less than 5 miles?? Cause 5 miles is around 8Km!!! and I don't think I can walk 5 miles in 2 hours!!
I will let you know!
no interesse de conhecer melhor Londres e, claro, na tentativa de ajudar a minha dieta / exercício para perder peso (tudo isso para chegar ao Verão jeitosa, porque eu vou de ferias para a Grécia) vou participar na iniciativa andar Londres.
Porque espiões e guerra fria são um grande interesse meu escolhi andar a " Spies & Spycatchers 'London"!
ligeira preocupação:
a descrição da caminhada lê menos de 5 milhas, duração 2 horas?? quanto menos de 5 milhas? Porque 5 milhas é mais ou menos 8 km! E eu acho que nao consigo andar 8 km em 2 horas...
Depois digo-vos!
Friday, 28 January 2011
update on diets and other efforts...

In an effort to (still) lose the 2 kgs gained in the festive season I went yesterday to my first ever class of body pump! For starters I should have read the description of the class, LOL, so that I wouldn't make a idiot look when the teacher said :
- Bring two of each of those weights (5 kg, 2.5 kg and 1kg)!!!
- ok ( I said)! ( and the panic was so visble in my face :p )
I started the warming up with 2.5 kg...MISTAKE AGAIN....next thing the teacher said was:
- For our next exercise we want at least double of the weight used for the warming up!!
bells started ringing in my head...WHAT??????
anyway, from then onwards, for a whole hour, it was alternating between suffering and pain!! lololololol
but I loved it! I think it will be very good for muscle definement, and even If I don't lose the bloody 2 kg but I exchange fat for muscle I will be happy! lolololol
till my next post!
Num esforço para perder (ainda) os 2 kgs adquiridos na época festiva, fui ontem a minha primeira aula de sempre de body pump ! Para começar eu deveria ter lido a descrição da classe, LOL, para tentar evitar a cara de parva que fiz quando o professor disse:
- Traga dois de cada um desses pesos (5 kg, 2,5 kg e 1kg)!
- ok ( disse eu)! ( com o pânico escarrapachado na cara: p)
Comecei o aquecimento com 2,5 kg ... erro de novo .... a instruccao seguinte foi:
- Para o nosso próximo exercício, queremos pelo menos o dobro do peso utilizado para o aquecimento!
sinos começaram a tocar na minha cabeça ... O QUE ??????
de qualquer forma, a partir de então, durante uma hora inteira, fui alternando entre sofrimento e dor! lololololol
mas eu adorei! Acho que vai ser muito bom para definir os musculos, e mesmo que não perca os 2 kg, mas que troque gordura por músculo ja sou feliz! lolololol
até meu próximo post, com mais updates nas minhas tentativas de entrar em forma outra x! :)
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
SMALL minds...
Yesterday reading a blog that I recently found out called Confessions of a fashion girl , I was gobsmacked...I have to say I really was, so the post was about a 23year old "kid" who thinks that a woman is a man's appendix...WTF? and that if you don't adopt your husbands surname your marriage doesn't last more than 2 weeks??? HONESTLY! in my 29 years of age I have never heard such nonsense!! OMG!
How is that possible???? In which century has this girl been living?
Someone should tell her, that women have free will, they can vote and most important they have IDENTITY, regardless of any men!
I had to share, I commented on the post but I really needed to share!
Ontem ao ler um blog que descobri recentemente chamado Confessions of a fashion girl, fiquei chocada ... Tenho que confessar que realmente fiquei chocada! Portanto, o post era a cerca de uma "miuda" com 23 anos de idade que acha que uma mulher é um apêndice do homem ... WTF? e que acha que se não se adoptar o sobrenome do marido os casamentos não duram mais de duas semanas?? Francamente! nos meus 29 anos de idade eu nunca ouvi tal absurdo! OMG!
Como é que é possível?? Em que século, vive esta menina?
Alguém lhe devia dizer que as mulheres têm o livre arbítrio, que podem votar e mais importante que têmIDENTIDADE, independentemente de qualquer homem!
A minha indignacao e tal que eu tinha que partilhar, eu comentei no post, mas eu realmente precisava de partilhar!
till my next post!
How is that possible???? In which century has this girl been living?
Someone should tell her, that women have free will, they can vote and most important they have IDENTITY, regardless of any men!
I had to share, I commented on the post but I really needed to share!
Ontem ao ler um blog que descobri recentemente chamado Confessions of a fashion girl, fiquei chocada ... Tenho que confessar que realmente fiquei chocada! Portanto, o post era a cerca de uma "miuda" com 23 anos de idade que acha que uma mulher é um apêndice do homem ... WTF? e que acha que se não se adoptar o sobrenome do marido os casamentos não duram mais de duas semanas?? Francamente! nos meus 29 anos de idade eu nunca ouvi tal absurdo! OMG!
Como é que é possível?? Em que século, vive esta menina?
Alguém lhe devia dizer que as mulheres têm o livre arbítrio, que podem votar e mais importante que têmIDENTIDADE, independentemente de qualquer homem!
A minha indignacao e tal que eu tinha que partilhar, eu comentei no post, mas eu realmente precisava de partilhar!
till my next post!
Thursday, 20 January 2011
i am out of here...
I will be going for the weekend to my love ...again!
2011 started but didn't really change my situation, I am still here and he is still there...and what shall I do??
shall I stay? shall I go??
I want to go...I really do..what good is a really good job if you still get to go home and be alone...and it's not just the being alone is really the feeling lonely...
I live in a city with 7 million people and to be honest I have never felt so lonely in my life!
till my next post!
Este fim de semana vou ver o meu amor ... de novo!
2011 começou, mas nao mudou a minha situação em nadinha, eu ainda estou aqui e ele ainda está lá ... que devo fazer?
devo ficar? devo ir?
Eu quero ir ...quero mesmo .. qde que me vale um trabalho realmente bom, se vou para casa e estou la sozinha ... e não é só o estar sozinho é o sentimento de solidão ...
Eu moro numa cidade com 7 milhões de pessoas e para ser honesta nunca me senti tão sozinha na minha vida!
até meu próximo post!
2011 started but didn't really change my situation, I am still here and he is still there...and what shall I do??
shall I stay? shall I go??
I want to go...I really do..what good is a really good job if you still get to go home and be alone...and it's not just the being alone is really the feeling lonely...
I live in a city with 7 million people and to be honest I have never felt so lonely in my life!
till my next post!
Este fim de semana vou ver o meu amor ... de novo!
2011 começou, mas nao mudou a minha situação em nadinha, eu ainda estou aqui e ele ainda está lá ... que devo fazer?
devo ficar? devo ir?
Eu quero ir ...quero mesmo .. qde que me vale um trabalho realmente bom, se vou para casa e estou la sozinha ... e não é só o estar sozinho é o sentimento de solidão ...
Eu moro numa cidade com 7 milhões de pessoas e para ser honesta nunca me senti tão sozinha na minha vida!
até meu próximo post!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

I have the worse body relationship of everybody I know...
Basically I don't really like anything in me, but thanks to my amazing boyfriend, In the past 4 years I started learning how to appreciate myself, how to dress for me and not just dress the first thing that I see in the morning and I have to say I like this new attitude, much healthier one!
However, despite loving Xmas and New Year, in this season I always (and I really mean always) put on weight!
It took me 6 months to lose 4 kg, and now in just 2 weeks I put 1.5 kg back...so annoying!
So I am back in the healthy food, and I am going to go back to the gym, however I don't feel like it!
For once I would like to be able to eat everything I want and like and not worry about weight!!!
I still have a long road in front of me...I have to lose the 1.5 kg I put plus another 2 kg! all in all I am looking to another 6 months of very hard work! So unfair!
till my next post!
Of all the things in life, at the moment the only one that gives me hope is knowing that i will be flying to him this weekend...can't wait!
I need a change in my life, and I mean a radical change!
Till my next post!
De todas as coisas na vida, neste momento, a unica coisa que me motiva e da esperanca e saber que este fds vou estar com ele...mal posso esperar!
eu preciso de uma mudanca radical na minha vida!!
ate ao proximo post!
I need a change in my life, and I mean a radical change!
Till my next post!
De todas as coisas na vida, neste momento, a unica coisa que me motiva e da esperanca e saber que este fds vou estar com ele...mal posso esperar!
eu preciso de uma mudanca radical na minha vida!!
ate ao proximo post!
Sunday, 16 January 2011
sunday :)
today I woke up at almost 11 am, felt good, felt like sunday! Then, had some nice breakfast got ready and went shopping!
I was trying to find some nice brown boots and I managed! yes, I did, some really nice leather brown boots that used to cost 90£ and i got them for 23£ ( I LOVE the english sales)!
Then I went food shopping, when all the lights and extra lights were in the bag (because I am trying to lose the 2 kgs I put over Xmas and New Year) i had to face the biggest queue in the history of queues...oh my God, it's like whole London decided to go food shopping at my local supermarket! and now, well, now I am finally home, I cooked some nice food and I will now prepare for a work presentation I have tomorrow!!
All in all it was a nice sunday!
and tomorrow I will most likely be wearing my new boots :)
I was trying to find some nice brown boots and I managed! yes, I did, some really nice leather brown boots that used to cost 90£ and i got them for 23£ ( I LOVE the english sales)!
Then I went food shopping, when all the lights and extra lights were in the bag (because I am trying to lose the 2 kgs I put over Xmas and New Year) i had to face the biggest queue in the history of queues...oh my God, it's like whole London decided to go food shopping at my local supermarket! and now, well, now I am finally home, I cooked some nice food and I will now prepare for a work presentation I have tomorrow!!
All in all it was a nice sunday!
and tomorrow I will most likely be wearing my new boots :)
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Friday, 14 January 2011
new star sign??

WTF ????
Today I was busy at work so Only now i realised that I am no longer a VIRGO!! I am now a LEO! what????
NO NO NO! I am a VIRGO, I was born on the first day of VIRGO (or at least the 1st day prior to the discovery of the Ophiuchus)...
I don't like this...I really don't!
what is real what is not?? everything is changing... :) lolol
I say we ignore OPHIUCHUS!!!
Thursday, 13 January 2011
what shall I do this weekend?
Tomorrow is FRIDAY! and for the first time in a lot of time I am actually going to rest!
I am going to be able to enjoy one weekend without feeling guilty and all because I submitted the book I wrote...now I wait...for the final examination!
anyway, getting back to the weekend to the rest with no stress...what shall I do this weekend?
I wanted to go out with him, but he is not here....I wanted to look at him, smile and say I am free!!
but for all that I have to wait until next weekend...this weekend I am going to have some fun!
To read to listen to music and maybe go to the cinema....I am free so I can do whatever i please with my time!
I am going to be able to enjoy one weekend without feeling guilty and all because I submitted the book I wrote...now I wait...for the final examination!
anyway, getting back to the weekend to the rest with no stress...what shall I do this weekend?
I wanted to go out with him, but he is not here....I wanted to look at him, smile and say I am free!!
but for all that I have to wait until next weekend...this weekend I am going to have some fun!
To read to listen to music and maybe go to the cinema....I am free so I can do whatever i please with my time!
Monday, 10 January 2011
Tomorrow is the day I will submit my PhD thesis...feeling nervous!
Amanhã é o dia em que vou entregar a minha tese de doutoramento...estou nervosa!!
Amanhã é o dia em que vou entregar a minha tese de doutoramento...estou nervosa!!
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