I come to realise that living alone and doing diet are two things that cannot co-exist!
When I arrive, tired of all the commuting, of all the smelly people in the metro, of all the bad words, and the irritating people I don't want to cook...no no, I want to crash in the couch and eat things that:
1) are quick to cook,
2) do not require more than one or two neurons
I always think, who am I cooking for? majority of the times takes me longer to cook it than to eat it...you would be impressed of how fast one eats when one doesn't have anybody to share the meal with... ai ai!
that is why I posted what I posted just before...
i always end up cooking fish fingers or buying frozen weight watchers lasagna....stuff like that!
I don't have the pacience to cook really elaborate meals..I really don't!
so the diet goes down the drain and so you see...dieting and living together can't co-exist!
És cá das minhas. Hoje fui ao Mac buscar o jantar, da maneira como me correu o dia e como esta (va) o meu humor, ainda queimava a cozinha.